Lindsay Cooper的歌曲列表
Retorisk FrågaAngels on the Edge of Time
IndiscrezioneAngels on the Edge of Time
The Fountain and the MirrorAngels on the Edge of Time
Elegy for an AngelAngels on the Edge of Time
MathesisAngels on the Edge of Time
ConversazioneAngels on the Edge of Time
WiegenliedAn Angel on the Bridge
IsauraWestbrook - Rossini
NightmareMusic for Ondes Martenot
The Hanging GardenAn Angel on the Bridge
William Tell Overture IIIWestbrook - Rossini
The Barber of Seville OvertureWestbrook - Rossini
Tutto CangiaWestbrook - Rossini
William Tell Overture VWestbrook - Rossini