First Blackness [live]A Challenge to Fate
Third Blackness [live]A Challenge to Fate
AffectionA Challenge to Fate
Surrounded by YouBeginning and End, Interwoven
Untitled TrackTenshi No Gijinka
Untitled TrackTenshi No Gijinka
Beginning and End, InterwovenBeginning and End, Interwoven
SecretlyBeginning and End, Interwoven
To ExcessBeginning and End, Interwoven
Bang平成元年ライブ:上 (Live in the First Year of Heisei: Volume One)
リゴー遗稿集より平成元年ライブ:下 (Live in the First Year of Heisei: Volume Two)
コップはこわれるだろう平成元年ライブ:下 (Live in the First Year of Heisei: Volume Two)
As It Is NowBeginning and End, Interwoven
Untitled TrackTenshi No Gijinka
寄り添い合いし秩序と無秩序の気配かな5寄り添い合いし 秩序と无秩序の気配かな 
Untitled TrackTenshi No Gijinka
My FriendBeginning and End, Interwoven
CaughtBeginning and End, Interwoven
Second Blackness [live]A Challenge to Fate
きちがい~サマータイム (Summer Time)平成元年ライブ:上 (Live in the First Year of Heisei: Volume One)
The Active Voice RevealedBeginning and End, Interwoven
Untitled TrackTenshi No Gijinka