Instrumental Jazz School的歌曲列表
HappinessHoliday Chillout Jazz: Summer Compilation of Jazz Music to Rest, Relax and Unwind
Morning TeaWeekend Morning at Home: Coffee Jazz, Slow Breakfast Time, Morning Jazz
San Francisco BrassArt Deco Jazz Swing (Street Moon Lounge, Vintage Banquet, Night Life Vibe, Sophisticated City)
Dinner PartyWeekend Morning at Home: Coffee Jazz, Slow Breakfast Time, Morning Jazz
Jazz Wine BarArt Deco Jazz Swing (Street Moon Lounge, Vintage Banquet, Night Life Vibe, Sophisticated City)
Lady at the BallroomArt Deco Jazz Swing (Street Moon Lounge, Vintage Banquet, Night Life Vibe, Sophisticated City)
Soothing Ballad JazzSunday Brunch with Instrumental Jazz
Выходные в городе любвиРомантический завтрак джаз (День Святого Валентина 2021)