Hior Chronik的歌曲列表
Get BlindDescent
Spree at NightDescent
Under Any CustodyDescent
Make SenseDescent
SeparationSixteen Songs, Vol. 1
Chronik: Facing The SunPiano Cloud Series - Volume Four
Wear My T-Shirt When You Miss MeI’m A Tree
Nowhere Is the PlacePiano Works
Burden of a FallPiano Works
The Withering GhostPiano Works
Chronik: Facing The SunFacing The Sun
We Will Grow Up TogetherPiano Cloud Series - Volume Five
Along the pathAlong the path
Your shadow is as black as inkAlong the path
Waiting for a heavy stormAlong the path
The RiverAlong the path
HermitudeAlong the path
Clouds to NowhereAlong the path
SeparationAlong the path
My head on the grassAlong the path
Your melancholic smileAlong the path