Anonymous 4的歌曲列表
Hymn: In te concipiturThe Lily & The Lamb
Motet: Veni mater gracie/Dou way, RobinThe Lily & The Lamb
Sequence: Missus Gabriel de celisAn English Ladymass
Sequence: Miserere miserisThe Lily & The Lamb
Communion: Beata viscera (chant & song)An English Ladymass
Sequence: Salve virgo singularisThe Lily & The Lamb
Hymn: [Pe] milde lomb isprad o rodeThe Lily & The Lamb
Antiphon: Ave regina celorumThe Lily & The Lamb
Sequence: O Maria virgo piaThe Lily & The Lamb
Conductus: Ave Maria salus hominumThe Lily & The Lamb
Conductus: Memor esto tuorumThe Lily & The Lamb
Conductus: Salve virgo tonantis soliumThe Lily & The Lamb
Motet: O mors moreris/O vita vera/MorsThe Lily & The Lamb
Celui en qui - La bele estoile - La bele, en qui - [Iohanne] (Mo 20)Love's Illusion - Music from the Montpellier Codex (13th-Century)
Hé Dieus, de si haut si bas - Maubatus - [Cumque] (Mo 92)Love's Illusion - Music from the Montpellier Codex (13th-Century)
Se je chante - Bien doi amer - [Et sperabit] (Mo 311)Love's Illusion - Music from the Montpellier Codex (13th-Century)
Ne sai, que je die - [Iohanne] (Mo 185)Love's Illusion - Music from the Montpellier Codex (13th-Century)
Amours mi font souffrir - En mai - [Flos Filius] (Mo 111)Love's Illusion - Music from the Montpellier Codex (13th-Century)
Plus bele que flor - Quant revient - L'autrier joer - [Flos Filius] (Mo 21)Love's Illusion - Music from the Montpellier Codex (13th-Century)
Or ne sai je que devenir - Puisque d'amer - [Kyrieleyson] (Mo 267)Love's Illusion - Music from the Montpellier Codex (13th-Century)
Amours, dont je sui - L'autrier, au douz mois - Chose Tassin (Mo 270)Love's Illusion - Music from the Montpellier Codex (13th-Century)
Au cuer ai un mal - Ja ne m'em repentirai - Jolietement (Mo 260)Love's Illusion - Music from the Montpellier Codex (13th-Century)
Quant voi la fleur - [Et tenuerunt] (Mo 241)Love's Illusion - Music from the Montpellier Codex (13th-Century)
Qui d'amours se plaint - [Lux magna] (Mo 215)Love's Illusion - Music from the Montpellier Codex (13th-Century)