Russell Oberlin的歌曲列表
Perotin / Sederunt PrincipesNotre Dame Organa de Santa Maria
Perotin Sederunt PrincipesNotre Dame Organa de Santa Maria
St.Godric's Crist & St.MarieEnglish Medieval Songs
St.Godric's Marie Virgene ModerEnglish Medieval Songs
St.Godric's St Nocolaes Godes DrudEnglish Medieval Songs
English Byrd on BrereEnglish Medieval Songs
English Stonewel ModerEnglish Medieval Songs
St.Godric's St. Marie Cristes BurEnglish Medieval Songs
Man Mai Longe LivesEnglish Medieval Songs
Lovely AlbinaAnthology Of Their Greatest Works (Remastered)
Come again sweet loveJohn Dowland - Lute Songs
Messiah, HWV56: Part OneHandel: Messiah, HWV56
Messiah / Part 1:"But who may abide the day of his coming"Handel: Arias
My Bonny Lass She Smileth / Lo, She Flies When I Woo HerThomas Morley: Elizabethan Madrigals (Digitally Remastered)
Rodelinda / Act 3:Vivi tiranno io t'ho scampatoHandel: Arias
Israel in Egypt / Part 2: Moses' Song:No.26 Air: "Thou shalt bring them"Handel: Arias
Messiah:XIII. Pastoral Symphony (Pifa)Klassieke Muziek Voor De Lente
Lachrimae antiquaeJohn Dowland - Lute Songs
Introduction And Marching Song / At The Sea-Side / The Moon / The Swing / Windy Nights / Foreign LandsA Child's Garden Of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson (Digitally Remastered)
Messiah, HWV56: Part TwoHandel: Messiah, HWV56
Weep you no more sad fountainsJohn Dowland - Lute Songs
Flow not so fast ye fountainsJohn Dowland - Lute Songs
Can she excuse my wrongsJohn Dowland - Lute Songs
Thou mighty GodJohn Dowland - Lute Songs