Incipit lamentatio Jeremiae Prophetae (Lectio I, Feria V)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Alleluia, dulce carmen (Farewell to the Alleluia before Lent)GREGORIAN CHANT II - HYMNS
O quanta, qualia (Hymn for Vespers on Saturdays)GREGORIAN CHANT II - HYMNS
Aurea luce (Hymn for Vespers at the Feasts of Saints Peter and Paul)GREGORIAN CHANT II - HYMNS
Ave, maris stella (Hymn to Mary)GREGORIAN CHANT II - HYMNS
Hic est dies verus Dei (Hymn for the Easter Liturgy of Milan)GREGORIAN CHANT II - HYMNS
Pange, lingua (Hymn to the Holy Cross on Good Friday)GREGORIAN CHANT II - HYMNS
Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor (Antiphon for the Washing of the Feet on Holy Thursday)GREGORIAN CHANT II - HYMNS
Sancti, venite, Christi corpus (Celtic Hymn for Holy Thursday)GREGORIAN CHANT II - HYMNS
Beata nobis gaudia (Hymn at Lauds for Pentecost)GREGORIAN CHANT II - HYMNS
A solis ortus cardine (Hymn for Christmas Vespers)GREGORIAN CHANT II - HYMNS
Inventor rutili (Hymn for the Lighting of the Easter Fire)GREGORIAN CHANT II - HYMNS
Aeterne rerum conditor (Hymn at Lauds on Sundays) [excerpt]GREGORIAN CHANT II - HYMNS
Mediae noctis tempus est (Hymn for the Night Vigil)GREGORIAN CHANT II - HYMNS
Gloria in excelsis Deo (Grand Doxology - Hymn to the Angels)GREGORIAN CHANT II - HYMNS