Procedamus in pace! - Cum angelis + Psalm 24 (23), Verses 7-10 (Antiphon)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Ubi est caritas et dilectio (Antiphon)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Veni, Sancte Spiritus (Sequence for Pentecost)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Victimae Paschali laudes (Easter Sequence)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor (Antiphon for the Washing of the Feet on Holy Thursday)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Aurea luce (Hymn for Vespers at the Feasts of Saints Peter and Paul)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Gloria in excelsis Deo (Grand Doxology - Hymn to the Angels)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Gloria, laus et honor (Processional Hymn for Palm Sunday)GREGORIAN CHANT II - HYMNS
Te decet laus (Conclusion of the Matins)GREGORIAN CHANT II - HYMNS
Urbs beata Hierusalem (Hymn for the Dedication of a Church)GREGORIAN CHANT II - HYMNS
Ecce lignum crucis (Acclamation)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Passio Domini nostri Jesu Christi secundum Joannem (St. John Passion) Excerpts: Joh. 18, 33, 36-37; 19, 1.5-6.15)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Congregavit nos in unum - Ubi caritas et amor + Psalm 133 (132), Verse 1 (Antiphon)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Hoc corpus, quod pro vobis tradetur (Communio)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Ave, Rex noster, Fili David (Antiphon)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Nos autem gloriari oportet in Cruce Domini (Introitus)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Mundi aetate octava (Sequence for Feasts of Saints)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Omnes gentes, plaudite (Sequence for the Ascension)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Summi triumphum regis (Sequence for the Ascension)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Zima vetus expurgetur (Easter Sequence)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Lauda, Sion, Salvatorem (Sequence for Corpus Christi)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Stans a longe publicanus (Antiphon, Sequence of the Publican - 10th Sunday after Pentecost)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Laetabundus exsultet fidelis chorus (Sequence for Christmas, Third Mass)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant
Grates nunc omnes reddamus Domino Deo (Sequence for Christmas, Midnight Mass)Konrad Ruhland Conducts Gregorian Chant