John Owen-Jones的歌曲列表
Love Never DiesSpotlight
O Holy NightO Holy Night
Kiss the airKiss the air
Wishing you were somehow here again (The phantom of the opera)Kiss the air
Adre'n OlAnthem Fawr y Nos
Anthem Fawr y NosAnthem Fawr y Nos
Adre'n OlAdre'n Ol
While Floating High AboveSpotlight
I'm Going HomeSpotlight
The PrayerSpotlight
You Raise Me UpSpotlight
From Now OnSpotlight
What Kind of Fool Am ISpotlight
Some Enchanted EveningSpotlight
The PrayerThe Prayer
Bread of HeavenRise Like a Phoenix / Bread of Heaven
Rise Like a PhoenixRise Like a Phoenix / Bread of Heaven
Come what mayCome what may
Climb Every MountainSpotlight
Through The BarricadesSpotlight
Mor fawr wyt tiCome what may