Jacob Heringman的歌曲列表
Un gay bergierCifras imaginarias: Música para tañer a dos vihuelas
Adieu Mes AmoursThe Art Of The Lute Player
GreensleevesNutmeg And Ginger - Spicy Ballads From Shakespeare's London
Dido Was the Carthage Queen - Setting for voice and lute by George Mason or John EarsdenNutmeg And Ginger - Spicy Ballads From Shakespeare's London
Fantasia Que Contrahaze La Harpa En La Manera De LuduvicoThe Art Of The Lute Player
Airs de cour, Troisième Livre: Objet le plus beau. DialogueAirs de cour
Book of Songs, Book 1: All ye whom love or fortune hath betrayed:All ye whom love or fortune hath betrayedDOWLAND (THE BEST OF)
Book of Songs, Book 1: Burst forth, my tears:Burst forth, my tearsDOWLAND (THE BEST OF)
Mr. John Langton's Pavan, H. 10:Mr. John Langton's PavanDOWLAND (THE BEST OF)
The King of Denmark's Galiard, H. 11:The King of Denmark's GaliardDOWLAND (THE BEST OF)
Polish DanceThe Art Of The Lute Player
Polish DanceThe Art Of The Lute Player
Polish DanceThe Art Of The Lute Player
Polish DanceThe Art Of The Lute Player
Pavan: Heres PaternusThe Art Of The Lute Player
Galliard: ResponceThe Art Of The Lute Player
Galliard: The Fairy-RowndeThe Art Of The Lute Player
A Horne PypeThe Art Of The Lute Player
Fantasia: Del Primer TonoThe Art Of The Lute Player