Cornelius Cardew的歌曲列表
Drumming:Part IVReich: Drumming, Music for Mallet Instruments, 6 Pianos
The Croppy BoyFour Principles in Irland
AudioTrack 01Treatise
Four Principles on IrelandFour Principles in Irland
Drumming:Part IIReich: Drumming
Drumming:Part IVReich: Drumming
AudioTrack 02Treatise
AudioTrack 03Treatise
Paragraph 3The Great Learning
Paragraph 4The Great Learning
Paragraph 5The Great Learning
Paragraph 7The Great Learning
Paragraph 6The Great Learning
Paragraph 2The Great Learning
Treatise (Pages 21 & 22)Material
Memories of YouMaterial
Treatise (1963-67): IICornelius Cardew: Treatise (1963-1967)
Treatise (1963-67): IVCornelius Cardew: Treatise (1963-1967)
Treatise (1963-67): IIICornelius Cardew: Treatise (1963-1967)
Treatise (1963-67): VCornelius Cardew: Treatise (1963-1967)
Treatise (1963-67): VICornelius Cardew: Treatise (1963-1967)
Bring the Land a New LifeFour Principles in Irland