"Now that the sun hath veiled his light" (An Evening Hymn on a Ground), Z. 193Music for a While: Improvisations on Purcell
Hail! bright Cecilia (Ode for St. Cecilia's Day), Z. 328/10: "In vain the am'rous flute"Music for a While: Improvisations on Purcell
Who can from joy refrain? (Birthday Ode for the Duke of Gloucester), Z. 342/3: "A prince of glorious race descended"Music for a While: Improvisations on Purcell
"O solitude, my sweetest choice", Z. 406Music for a While: Improvisations on Purcell
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626/38: "When I am laid in earth"Music for a While: Improvisations on Purcell
Hail! bright Cecilia (Ode for St Cecilia's Day), Z. 328/8: "Wondrous machine"Music for a While: Improvisations on Purcell
The Mock Marriage, Z. 605/3: "Man is for the woman made"Music for a While: Improvisations on Purcell
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629/40: "O let me weep" (The Plaint)Music for a While: Improvisations on Purcell
Timon of Athens, Z. 632/13: "Curtain Tune on a Ground"Music for a While: Improvisations on Purcell
Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen) [bonus]Music for a While: Improvisations on Purcell
Lorfeo:Si dolce è l'tormentoMonteverdi: Teatro d'amore
Ohimè, ch'io cadoMonteverdi: Teatro d'amore
Lorfeo:Damigella tutta bellaMonteverdi: Teatro d'amore
Lorfeo:Amor (Lamento della Ninfa, Rappresentativo)Monteverdi: Teatro d'amore
Sinfonie & MorescaMonteverdi: Teatro d'amore
Lorfeo:Interotte speranzeMonteverdi: Teatro d'amore
Lorfeo:Chiome d'oro (Canzonetta a due voci Concertata da duoi Violini, Chitarone o Spinetta)Monteverdi: Teatro d'amore
Lorfeo:Arnalta (Le Couronnement de Popée)Monteverdi: Teatro d'amore
Lorfeo:Hor ch'el ciel e la terra (Prima Parte)Monteverdi: Teatro d'amore
Lorfeo:Tempo la cetraMonteverdi: Teatro d'amore
Lorfeo:BalloMonteverdi: Teatro d'amore
Con che soavità (Concertato a una voce e 9 Instrumenti)Monteverdi: Teatro d'amore
Lorfeo:Vago augelletto, che cantado vai (a 6 e 7 voci con doi violini e un Contrabasso)Monteverdi: Teatro d'amore
Lorfeo:Zefiro torna (Ciaccona)Monteverdi: Teatro d'amore