Antony Pitts的歌曲列表
Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion):Scene 7: … gets over his jealousy and gets everyone on their feet.
ADAM DE LA HALLE: Jeu de Robin et de Marion (Le)
Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion):Scene 1: … when along comes a Knight on the lookout …
ADAM DE LA HALLE: Jeu de Robin et de Marion (Le)
Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion):Scene 1: He Robin (Marion)
ADAM DE LA HALLE: Jeu de Robin et de Marion (Le)
Mout me fu grief li departir / Robin m'aime / Portare:Mout me fu grief li departir / Robin m'aime, Robin m'a / Portare
ADAM DE LA HALLE: Jeu de Robin et de Marion (Le)
Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion):Scene 1: Vous perdes vo paine (Marion)
ADAM DE LA HALLE: Jeu de Robin et de Marion (Le)
Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion):Scene 1: Je me repairoie (Knight)
ADAM DE LA HALLE: Jeu de Robin et de Marion (Le)
Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion):Scene 1: Marion is happily minding her own business…Robins m'aime (Marion)
ADAM DE LA HALLE: Jeu de Robin et de Marion (Le)
Pilgrim's Prologue (after Li jus du Pelerin)
ADAM DE LA HALLE: Jeu de Robin et de Marion (Le)
Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion):Scene 1: … but Marion means no when she says so …
ADAM DE LA HALLE: Jeu de Robin et de Marion (Le)
Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion):Scene 1: Bergeronnete sui (Marion)
ADAM DE LA HALLE: Jeu de Robin et de Marion (Le)
St. John Passion:Passio: "Unde es tu?" Jesus autem responsum non dedit ei
PART: Arvo Part - A Portrait (KIMBERLEY)
Adducunt ergo Jesum a Caipha in praetorium … (Jesus is judged by Pilate and reviled by the people):Adducunt ergo Jesum a Caipha in praetorium
PART: Passio
St. John Passion:Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi secundum Joannem
PART: Passio
Tunc ergo tradidit eis illum ut crucifigeretur … (Jesus is crucified at Golgotha):Tunc ergo tradidit eis illum ut crucifigeretur
PART: Passio
Et adduxerunt eum ad Annam primum … (Jesus is interrogated by the high priest and denied by Peter):Et adduxerunt eum ad Annam primum
PART: Passio
Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen (arr. A. Pitts):Lo, there a Rose is blooming (arr. A. Pitts)
GIBBONS, O.: Hymnes and Songs of the Church (Tonus Peregrinus, Pitts)
Beata viscera (monophonic conductus)
Leonin / Perotin: Sacred Music From Notre-Dame Cathedral
The Hymnes and Songs of the Church (arr. A. Pitts):No. 34. The Song of Angels
GIBBONS, O.: Hymnes and Songs of the Church (Tonus Peregrinus, Pitts)
The Hymnes and Songs of the Church: No. 13. The Fifth Canticle: Interlude:Interlude [Song 13] (excerpts)
GIBBONS, O.: Hymnes and Songs of the Church (Tonus Peregrinus, Pitts)
Thine for ever!
GIBBONS, O.: Hymnes and Songs of the Church (Tonus Peregrinus, Pitts)
GIBBONS, O.: Hymnes and Songs of the Church (Tonus Peregrinus, Pitts)
The Hymnes and Songs of the Church (arr. A. Pitts):No. 9. The First Canticle: Come kiss me with those lips of Thine
GIBBONS, O.: Hymnes and Songs of the Church (Tonus Peregrinus, Pitts)
The Hymnes and Songs of the Church (arr. A. Pitts):No. 13. The Fifth Canticle: Oh my love
GIBBONS, O.: Hymnes and Songs of the Church (Tonus Peregrinus, Pitts)
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