Jaroslaw Brek
Powiało na mnie morze snów… (A sea of dreams did breathe on me):Part I: The enchanted garden: No. 4. Jesienne lasy poczerwienione (The autumn woods, their leaves already turning)
Powiało na mnie morze snów… (A sea of dreams did breathe on me):Part I: The enchanted garden: No. 5. Próżnia (Drzewo samotne) (Emptiness (A solitary tree))
Powiało na mnie morze snów… (A sea of dreams did breathe on me):Part I: The enchanted garden: No. 6. Anioł Pański (The Angelus)
Powiało na mnie morze snów… (A sea of dreams did breathe on me):Part II: What is the night saying?: No. 1. Niebo w nocy (Sky at night)
Powiało na mnie morze snów… (A sea of dreams did breathe on me):Part II: What is the night saying?: No. 2. Cisza (Silence)
Powiało na mnie morze snów… (A sea of dreams did breathe on me):Part III: I visited you in these near-final days…: No. 1. Requiem: Fortepian Szopena I (Requiem: Chopin's piano I)
Powiało na mnie morze snów… (A sea of dreams did breathe on me):Part III: I visited you in these near-final days…: No. 3. Fortepian Szopena II (Chopin's piano II)
Powiało na mnie morze snów… (A sea of dreams did breathe on me):Part III: I visited you in these near-final days…: No. 6. Pan Cogito myśli o powrocie do rodzinnego miasta (Mr Cogito thinks about returning to his home town)
Powiało na mnie morze snów… (A sea of dreams did breathe on me):Part III: I visited you in these near-final days…: No. 7. Fortepian Szopena III (Chopin's piano III)
Powiało na mnie morze snów… (A sea of dreams did breathe on me):Part III: I visited you in these near-final days…: No. 9. Do sosny polskiej znalezionej w jednym z ogrodów w Chatenay (To a Polish pine…) - No. 10. Fortepian Szopena VI (Chopin's piano VI)
Powiało na mnie morze snów… (A sea of dreams did breathe on me):Part III: I visited you in these near-final days…: No. 11. Anioł Pański (The Angelus)
Stabat Mater, Op. 53:Panno slodka, racz mozolem (Virgo virginum praeciara)
Stabat Mater, Op. 53:Chrystus niech mi bedzie grodem (Christe, cum sit hinc exire)
Stabat Mater, Op. 53:I ktoz widzac tak cierpiaca (Quis est homo qui non fleret)
Exegi monumentum for Soprano, Bass, Choir and Orchestra:No. 1, Exegi monumentum
Exegi monumentum for Soprano, Bass, Choir and Orchestra:No. 2, Quod non imber
Exegi monumentum for Soprano, Bass, Choir and Orchestra:No. 3, Non omnis moriar
Exegi monumentum for Soprano, Bass, Choir and Orchestra:No. 4, Dicar qua violens
Exegi monumentum for Soprano, Bass, Choir and Orchestra:No. 5, Sume superbiam
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