Through the Midnight SpheresVittra
As the Twilight Gave Birth to the NightVittra
Diabolical - The Devil's ChildDiabolical
Force of PandemoniumSheol
Unleash HellSheol
Of Gorgons Spawned Through WitchcraftSheol
Devoured by NaglfarSheol
Abysmal DescentSheol
Wrath of the FallenSheol
Black God AftermathSheol
The Infernal CeremonySheol
The Brimstone GateEx Inferis
I Am VengeanceSheol
The Perpetual HorrorsPariah
The Mirrors Of My SoulHarvest
Vortex of NegativityCerecloth
Last Breath of YggdrasilCerecloth
12th RisingVittra
When Autumn Storms ComeDiabolical
Enslave the Astral FortressVittra
Spoken Words Of VenomPariah
A Departure in SolitudeDiabolical