The Priests的歌曲列表
Abide With MeThe Priests
Lift Thine Eyes (Elijah)Harmony
Ave MariaYou Raise Me Up - The Essential Collection
Ellens Gesang III, D. 839, Op. 52, No. 6: 'Ave Maria'The Priests
Pie JesuThe Power Of Dreams
Ellens Gesang III, D. 839, Op. 52, No. 6: 'Ave Maria'Freshness & Mood Music
Amazing GraceHarmony
God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenNoël
Amazing GraceFor Queen & Country
Pie JesuThe Classical Album 2011
Pie JesuThe Priests
Away In a MangerNoël
Silent Night (English Version)Noël
The First NowellNoël
O Holy NightThe Priests
How Great Thou ArtHarmony
King of KingsHarmony
Panis AngelicusThe Priests
Mit Wurd und Hoheit Angetan (From Die Shopfung)The Priests
Irish BlessingThe Priests
PlegariaThe Priests
Hacia BelenThe Priests
Ag Criost An SiolThe Priests
Domine Fili Unigente (From Gloria)The Priests