The Bizarros的歌曲列表
I BizarroPUNK 45: Burn|Rubber City|Burn - Akron|Ohio: Punk and the Decline of the Mid-West 1975-80
Lady DoubonettePUNK 45: Burn|Rubber City|Burn - Akron|Ohio: Punk and the Decline of the Mid-West 1975-80
NovaPUNK 45: Burn|Rubber City|Burn - Akron|Ohio: Punk and the Decline of the Mid-West 1975-80
Hey PolicemanThe Best of Ian Rubbish EP
Maggie ThatcherThe Best of Ian Rubbish EP
Living In the GutterThe Best of Ian Rubbish EP
Ice AgeKill The Hippies! Kill Yourself! The American Nation Destroys Its Young - Underground Punk in the United States of America, Vol. 1. 1973-1980
Sweet Iron LadyThe Best of Ian Rubbish EP