Aurora Surgit的歌曲列表
Aurora lucis (hymnus)Paschale Mysterium
Exsultemus et laetemur (cantus responsorialis)Paschale Mysterium
Victimae paschali laudes (sequentia)Paschale Mysterium
Alleluia. Pascha nostrumPaschale Mysterium
Haec dies. Confitemini (responsorium - graduale)Paschale Mysterium
Alleluia. Haec dies (antiphoae)Paschale Mysterium
Surrexit Dominus vere (antiphona cum psalmo invitatorio 94)Paschale Mysterium
Cantemus Domino (canticum)Paschale Mysterium
Oratio JeremiaePaschale Mysterium
Improperia IIPaschale Mysterium
Domine, exaudi (tractus)Paschale Mysterium
Gregorian Chant for the Dead:Ego sum Resurrectio (Antiphona) - Benedictus (Canticum)Ego sum Resurrectio: Gregorian Chant for the Dead
Gregorian Chant for the Dead:In paradisum - Chorus angelorum (Antiphonae)Ego sum Resurrectio: Gregorian Chant for the Dead
Gregorian Chant for the Dead:Libera me (Responsorium-prolixum)Ego sum Resurrectio: Gregorian Chant for the Dead
Gregorian Chant for the Dead:Lux aeterna (Comunio)Ego sum Resurrectio: Gregorian Chant for the Dead
Gregorian Chant for the Dead:Ritus communionisEgo sum Resurrectio: Gregorian Chant for the Dead
Gregorian Chant for the Dead:Prex eucharisticaEgo sum Resurrectio: Gregorian Chant for the Dead
Gregorian Chant for the Dead:PrefatioEgo sum Resurrectio: Gregorian Chant for the Dead
Gregorian Chant for the Dead:Domine Iesu Christe (Offertorium)Ego sum Resurrectio: Gregorian Chant for the Dead
Gregorian Chant for the Dead:Evangelium (Joann. 11, 21 - 27)Ego sum Resurrectio: Gregorian Chant for the Dead
Gregorian Chant for the Dead:Absolve Domine (Tractus)Ego sum Resurrectio: Gregorian Chant for the Dead
Gregorian Chant for the Dead:Requiem aeternam (Resposorium-graduale)Ego sum Resurrectio: Gregorian Chant for the Dead
Gregorian Chant for the Dead:Epistula (I. Thess. 4, 13 - 18)Ego sum Resurrectio: Gregorian Chant for the Dead
Gregorian Chant for the Dead:Requiem aeternam (Introitus) - KyrieEgo sum Resurrectio: Gregorian Chant for the Dead