솔직히 거북이도 안 해본 놈들이 사랑이 뭔지 알겠냐Collage 2
우리는 상실했다 우리의 효력Collage 3
Speed Metal WarfareTrue Thrash Fest 2011
HysteriaTrue Thrash Fest 2011
We Are ConquererTrue Thrash Fest 2011
Misery EndNailed in Misery
Metal Is ReligionSatanic Speed Metal Ritual
PowerthrashSatanic Speed Metal Ritual
Speed Metal WarfareSatanic Speed Metal Ritual
Hell's Metal BrigadeSatanic Speed Metal Ritual
Underground Thrash KillerSatanic Speed Metal Ritual
Speed Metal BreakdownSatanic Speed Metal Ritual
Mistress Of EsctacySatanic Speed Metal Ritual
Delusion Of SinsSatanic Speed Metal Ritual
Porno for the WickedHoly ****
20sCollage 3
When Death Draws NearWhen Death Draws Near
McCartney vs. Bieber3 Little Wacks – YOUNG,GIFTED&WACK 3rd Anniversary Compilation
Mentally InsatiableGameBoy 2020
Who That Be (Remix)GameBoy 2020
Scintilla ScintillaGameBoy 2020
그녀에게 바치는 노래劲舞团游戏原声
사이버가수 아담 (Remix) (Bonus track)Till the Sun Goes Up
SabotageCollage 3