Cyril Cusack的歌曲列表
The Song Of Wandering AengusYeats - A Selection
ByzantiumYeats - A Selection
The Wild Wicked Old ManYeats - A Selection
Broken DreamsYeats - A Selection
News For The Delphic OracleYeats - A Selection
Lapus Lazuli DEFYeats - A Selection
A Dialogue Of Self And SoulYeats - A Selection
Broken DreamsThe Poetry of William Butler Yeats
The Song Of Wandering AengusThe Poetry of William Butler Yeats
The Second ComingThe Poetry of William Butler Yeats
The Wild Swans At CooleThe Poetry of William Butler Yeats
ByzantiumThe Poetry of William Butler Yeats
A Dialogue Of Self And SoulThe Poetry of William Butler Yeats
Cuchulain ComfotedThe Poetry of William Butler Yeats
The Wild Old Wicked ManThe Poetry of William Butler Yeats
Sailing To ByzantiumThe Poetry of William Butler Yeats
Why Should Not Old Men Be MadThe Poetry of William Butler Yeats
No Second TroyThe Poetry of William Butler Yeats
Lapis LazuliThe Poetry of William Butler Yeats
Lapis LazuliThe Very Best of William Butler Yeats
The Wild Swans at CooleThe Very Best of William Butler Yeats
Cuchulain ComfortedThe Very Best of William Butler Yeats
A Dialogue of Self and SoulThe Very Best of William Butler Yeats
The Lake Isle Of InnisfreeThe Poetry of William Butler Yeats