Robin Gritton的歌曲列表
4 Doppelchorige Gesange, Op. 141:No. 3. ZuversichtSCHUMANN, R.: Romanzen und Balladen / 4 Doppelchorige Gesange (Ruhr ChorWerk, Gritton)
4 Doppelchorige Gesange, Op. 141:No. 2. Ungewisses LichtSCHUMANN, R.: Romanzen und Balladen / 4 Doppelchorige Gesange (Ruhr ChorWerk, Gritton)
4 Doppelchorige Gesange, Op. 141:No. 1. An die SterneSCHUMANN, R.: Romanzen und Balladen / 4 Doppelchorige Gesange (Ruhr ChorWerk, Gritton)
Heut' triumphieret Gottes Sohn,BWV 342Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Heut'ist, o Mensch, ein grosser Trauertag,BWV 341Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr,BWV 340Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Herr, wie du willst, so schick's mit mir,BWV 339Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Herr, wie du willst, so schick's mit mir,BWV 339Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Herr, straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn,BWV 338Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Herr, nun lass in Frieden,BWV 337Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Herr Jesu Christ, wahr'r Mensch und Gott,BWV 336Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Herr Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht,BWV 335Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Herr Jesu Christ, du hoechstes Gut,BWV 334Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Herr Jesu Christ, du hast bereit't,BWV 333Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Herr Jesu Christe, dich zu uns wend,BWV 332Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Herr, ich habe missgehandelt,BWV 331Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Herr, ich habe missgehandelt,BWV 330Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Herr, icj denk' an jene Zeit,BWV 329Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Herr, Gott, dich loben wir,BWV 328Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Fuer deinen Thron tret' ich hiermit,BWV 327Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir,BWV 326Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Heilig, heilig,BWV 325Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Meine Seele erhebet den Herrn,BWV 324Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)
Gott sei uns gnaedig,BWV 323Bach: Chorales BWV 302-342 (Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition, Vol.7 - The Mottets, Chorales & Songs)