Gosta Safbom Soloist Orchestra的歌曲列表
Allting som ar vackert (Everything beautiful reminds me of you)BJORLING, Jussi: Bjorling Collection, Vol. 6: The Erik Odde Pseudonym Recordings and Other Popular Works (1931-1935)
Kanske att vi pa samma drommar bar (Maybe we are dreaming the same dreams)BJORLING, Jussi: Bjorling Collection, Vol. 6: The Erik Odde Pseudonym Recordings and Other Popular Works (1931-1935)
Sommarens melodi ar som poesi (Summer's melody is like poetry):Sommarens melodi ar som poesi (Summer’s melody is like poetry)BJORLING, Jussi: Bjorling Collection, Vol. 6: The Erik Odde Pseudonym Recordings and Other Popular Works (1931-1935)