The Clientele的歌曲列表
February MoonIt's Art Dad
When She's Tired of DancingIt's Art Dad
No Dreams Last NightGod Save the Clientele
These Days Nothing but SunshineGod Save the Clientele
Graven WoodIt's Art Dad
Untitled #2It's Art Dad
Elm Grove WindowIt's Art Dad
The Night That Changed Our MindsIt's Art Dad
The Evening in Your EyesIt's Art Dad
August SkyIt's Art Dad
St. James' WalkIt's Art Dad
Shadow of Your LifeIt's Art Dad
The Words We KnewIt's Art Dad
KStrange Geometry
St. Paul's Beneath a Sinking SkyIt's Art Dad
Can't SleepIt's Art Dad
Sweeten Your EyesIt's Art Dad
Graven Wood (Rehearsal)It's Art Dad
When I Came Home from the PartyStrange Geometry
E.M.P.T.Y.Strange Geometry
Geometry of LawnsStrange Geometry
My Own Face Inside the TreesStrange Geometry
SpiritStrange Geometry
Summer Crowds In EuropeAriadne