Joe Louis Walker的歌曲列表
Talk to MeSilvertone Blues
Trouble on WheelsSilvertone Blues
Do the Walkin'Silvertone Blues
UhhPreacher And The President
Tell The TruthPreacher And The President
Kenny's BarrelhouseSilvertone Blues
Lost the Will to Love MeJLW
Preacher And The PresidentPreacher And The President
Repay My LovePreacher And The President
Got to Find My BabyJLW
Young Girl's EyesBlues Survivor
Keep On BelievingWitness To The Blues
I Got What You NeedWitness To The Blues
Rainy NightsBlues Survivor
Lovers HolidayWitness To The Blues
High Blood PressureGreat Guitars
HighviewWitness To The Blues
WitnessWitness To The Blues
You Just Don't KnowBlues Survivor
Rollin' & Tumblin'Witness To The Blues
My DignityBlues Survivor
Put You Down, BabyBlues Survivor
Shake For MeBlues Survivor
Blues SurvivorBlues Survivor