Tom Zé的歌曲列表
Duas OpinióesEstudando o Pagode
Vibração Da Carne [Pagode-Enredo]Estudando o Pagode
Para lá Do Pará [Pagode Metafísico]Estudando o Pagode
Prazer Carnal [Pago-Dueto]Estudando o Pagode
Teatro (Dom Quixote)Estudando o Pagode
A Volta Do Trem Das Onze (8,5 Milhões De Km²)Estudando o Pagode
Triú-Triii... (Revolta Malè 1835)Danc-Eh-Sa
Cara-cuá - Revolta Nagô-Oió 1830Danc-Eh-Sa
Abrindo as urnas - Encourados de Pedrão 1823Danc-Eh-Sa
Acum-Mahá (Revolta Jege-Mina-Fon 1834)Danc-Eh-Sa
João Nos TribunaisEstudando a Bossa Nordeste Plaza
Sem a Letra "A"Brazil 5 - The Return of Tom Zé: The Hips of Tradition
Feira de SantanaBrazil 5 - The Return of Tom Zé: The Hips of Tradition
Sofro de JuventudeBrazil 5 - The Return of Tom Zé: The Hips of Tradition
TaíBrazil 5 - The Return of Tom Zé: The Hips of Tradition
IracemaBrazil 5 - The Return of Tom Zé: The Hips of Tradition
FliperamaBrazil 5 - The Return of Tom Zé: The Hips of Tradition
O Amor é Velho-MeninaBrazil 5 - The Return of Tom Zé: The Hips of Tradition
TatuarambáBrazil 5 - The Return of Tom Zé: The Hips of Tradition
Jingle do DiscoBrazil 5 - The Return of Tom Zé: The Hips of Tradition
Lau-Gira-SolBrazil 5 - The Return of Tom Zé: The Hips of Tradition
Cortina 3Brazil 5 - The Return of Tom Zé: The Hips of Tradition
Multiplicar-se ÚnicaBrazil 5 - The Return of Tom Zé: The Hips of Tradition
Cortina 4Brazil 5 - The Return of Tom Zé: The Hips of Tradition