Mulo Francel的歌曲列表
TotoraInka Moods (A Portrait in Music)
KorianderSongs of Spices
'a vucchella'a vucchella
The Wide Point (Improvisation on G.F. Händel: Larghetto)The Wide Point (Improvisation on G.F. Händel: Larghetto)
Die AbenteurerDie Abenteurer (Deluxe Version)
Berlino-MonacoDie Abenteurer (Deluxe Version)
AntakyaDie Abenteurer (Deluxe Version)
Yorke's GuitarMythos
El ChocloTango Lyrico
CacaoInka Moods (A Portrait in Music)
El Cóndor PasaInka Moods (A Portrait in Music)
Olive Di GuardistalloThe Sax & the Sea (Deluxe Version)
Ein sommertagCrossing Life Lines
El ChocloSweet Dreams
Inca Mood (Awakening)Inka Moods (A Portrait in Music)
Machu PichuInka Moods (A Portrait in Music)
CelestineInka Moods (A Portrait in Music)
Sinfonia in F Major (Johann Sebastian Bach)Forever Young
Delight Inside (Improvisation on G. Caccini Ave Maria)Delight Inside
Für mich soll's rote Rosen regnenSweet Dreams
With the Poet in ItaliaWith the Poet in Italia
Blues in X MollCrossing Life Lines
Ouvre tes yeux bleusOuvre tes yeux bleus