Vladimir Atlantov的歌曲列表
Otello: Love Duet "Gia nella notte densa"
From the History of the Tchaikovsky Competition (Live)
The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame), Op. 68:Act I Scene 1: Ya imeni yeyo znayu i ne khochu uznat (Hermann, Tomskij, Tschekalinskij, Surin, Jeletzkij, Lisa, Grafin)
TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I.: Queen of Spades (The) [Opera] (Várady, Obraztsova, Shemchuk, Atlantov, Bavarian State Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Shuraitis)
The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame), Op. 68:Act I Scene 1: Mne strashno! (Lisa, Countess, Hermann, Jeletzkij, Tomskij)
TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I.: Queen of Spades (The) [Opera] (Várady, Obraztsova, Shemchuk, Atlantov, Bavarian State Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Shuraitis)
The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame), Op. 68:Act I Scene 1: Chem konchilas vchera igra? (Tschekalinskij, Surin, Tomskij, Hermann)
TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I.: Queen of Spades (The) [Opera] (Várady, Obraztsova, Shemchuk, Atlantov, Bavarian State Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Shuraitis)
The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame), Op. 68:Act I Scene 1: Finale and Storm: Se non e vero (Surin, Tschekalinskij, Hermann, Chorus)
TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I.: Queen of Spades (The) [Opera] (Várady, Obraztsova, Shemchuk, Atlantov, Bavarian State Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Shuraitis)
The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame), Op. 68:Act I Scene 2: Ostanovites … Lisa, otvori! (Hermann, Lisa, Grafin)
TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I.: Queen of Spades (The) [Opera] (Várady, Obraztsova, Shemchuk, Atlantov, Bavarian State Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Shuraitis)
The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame), Op. 68:Act II Scene 2: Ne pugaites! (Hermann, Lisa)
TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I.: Queen of Spades (The) [Opera] (Várady, Obraztsova, Shemchuk, Atlantov, Bavarian State Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Shuraitis)
The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame), Op. 68:Act II Scene 4: Vsyo tak, kak mne ona skazala (Hermann)
TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I.: Queen of Spades (The) [Opera] (Várady, Obraztsova, Shemchuk, Atlantov, Bavarian State Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Shuraitis)
The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame), Op. 68:Act II Scene 1: Posle predstavleniya (Hermann, Tschekalinskij, Surin, Lisa, Major Domo, Chorus)
TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I.: Queen of Spades (The) [Opera] (Várady, Obraztsova, Shemchuk, Atlantov, Bavarian State Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Shuraitis)
The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame), Op. 68:Act III Scene 2: A yesli mne v otvet - O da, minovali stradanya (Lisa, Hermann)
TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I.: Queen of Spades (The) [Opera] (Várady, Obraztsova, Shemchuk, Atlantov, Bavarian State Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Shuraitis)
The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame), Op. 68:Act III Scene 1: Mne strashno! Strashno! (Hermann, Ghost of the Countess)
TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I.: Queen of Spades (The) [Opera] (Várady, Obraztsova, Shemchuk, Atlantov, Bavarian State Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Shuraitis)
The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame), Op. 68:Act III Scene 1: Entr'acte - Ya neveryu chtoby (Hermann, Chorus)
TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I.: Queen of Spades (The) [Opera] (Várady, Obraztsova, Shemchuk, Atlantov, Bavarian State Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Shuraitis)
The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame), Op. 68:Act III Scene 3: Za dela, gospoda (Tschekalinskij, Chorus, Tschaplitzkij, Narumow, Surin, Jeletzkij, Tomskij, Hermann)
TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I.: Queen of Spades (The) [Opera] (Várady, Obraztsova, Shemchuk, Atlantov, Bavarian State Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Shuraitis)
The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame), Op. 68:Act III Scene 3: Chto nasha zhizhn? Igra! (Hermann, Chekalinsky, Yeletsky, Chorus of Guests and Players)
TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I.: Queen of Spades (The) [Opera] (Várady, Obraztsova, Shemchuk, Atlantov, Bavarian State Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Shuraitis)
The Stone Guest, Act I Scene 1: "Dozhdemsya nochi zdes"
The Stone Guest
The Stone Guest, Act III Scene 4: "Chto za stuk? O, skroysya, Don-Zhuan!"
The Stone Guest
The Stone Guest, Act III Scene 4: "Ya byl by rab svyashchennoy vashey voli"
The Stone Guest
The Stone Guest, Act III Scene 4: "Skazhite mne, neschastny Don-Zhuan vam ne znakom?"
The Stone Guest
The Stone Guest, Act III Scene 4: "Ya prinyala vas, Don Diego"
The Stone Guest
The Stone Guest, Act III Scene 4: "Chto s toboyu? Donna Anna!"
The Stone Guest
The Stone Guest, Act III Scene 4: "Vy, govoryat, bezbozhny razvratitel"
The Stone Guest
The Stone Guest, Act I Scene 1: "Chto? Kakova?"
The Stone Guest
The Stone Guest, Act I Scene 1: "No, poslushay, eto mesto znakomo nam"
The Stone Guest
The Stone Guest, Act II Scene 3: "Ya, Komandor, proshu tebya"
The Stone Guest
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