Ensemble Amadis的歌曲列表
Bien puist (Gilles Binchois)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
Ma belle dame souveraine (Guillaume Dufay)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
La plus belle et doulce figure (Nicolas Grenon)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
Tout a par moy (Walter Frye)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
J'ay mis mon cuer et ma pensee (Guillaume Dufay)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
Par droit je puis bien complaindre et gemir (Guillaume Dufay)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
Triste plaisir et douloureuse joie (Gilles Binchois)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
De cuer je soupire (Anonymous)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
Benedicite almechtiger Got (Conrad Paumann)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
Hostis Herodes impie (Guillaume Dufay)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
Aux ce bon yours (Anonymous)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
J'ayme bien celui qui s'en va (Pierre Fontaine)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
Va t'ent soupir je t'en supplie (Étienne Grossin)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
Wol up ghesellen (Anonymous)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
Quam pulchra es (John Dunstable)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
Now wolde y fayne (Anonymous)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
La belle se siet au piet de la tour (Guillaume Dufay)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
In tua memoria (Arnold de Lantins)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
Puisque vous estez campieur (Guillaume Dufay)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
En avois (Conrad Paumann)Music and Chants from the Time of Joan of Arc
Mariam matremSur les chemins de Saint-Jacques
Dum pater familiasSur les chemins de Saint-Jacques
Non e gran cousaSur les chemins de Saint-Jacques
O Maria maris stellaSur les chemins de Saint-Jacques