The Relative Zero的歌曲列表
Patience (David Christopher's Impatient Remix)Tiefdruckgebeat 2018
All the Reasons WhyAll the Reasons Why EP
You Look Prettier from the Other SideAll the Reasons Why EP
PatiencePatience EP
AbrissPatience EP
Patience (David Christopher's Impatient Remix)Patience EP
Abriss (David Christopher's Hallway Remix)Patience EP
All the Reasons Why (The Squash Hop Kids Remix)All the Reasons Why EP
You Look Prettier from the Other Side (David Christopher Remix)All the Reasons Why EP
Terquoise (Original)Mystic Deviation EP
Lake Toba (Techno Bird Watching Club 004)Lake Toba (Techno Bird Watching Club 004)
Loro (Techno Bird Watching Club 006)Loro (Techno Bird Watching Club 006)
Bangau Beach (Techno Bird Watching Club 005)Bangau Beach (Techno Bird Watching Club 005)
Kudat (Techno Bird Watching Club 003)Kudat (Techno Bird Watching Club 003)
Sabah (Techno Bird Watching Club 002)Sabah (Techno Bird Watching Club 002)
Hat Chao Mai (Techno Bird Watching Club 001)Hat Chao Mai (Techno Bird Watching Club 001)