水运仪象Corroded Aircraft
Destination (目的地)Concretization
木牛流马Corroded Aircraft
Centre Georges Pompidou (蓬皮杜中心)Synth Elevation
Salk Institute (萨尔克生物实验室)Synth Elevation
21st CMOC (金泽21世纪美术馆)Synth Elevation
冰鉴尊缶Corroded Aircraft
记里鼓车Corroded Aircraft
诸葛元戎Corroded Aircraft
万户飞天Corroded Aircraft
没水采珠Corroded Aircraft
九曲鸳鸯Corroded Aircraft
回运司南Corroded Aircraft
CAFA Art Museum (中央美术学院美术馆)Synth Elevation
Nakagin Capsule Tower (中银胶囊大楼)Synth Elevation
Miho Museum (美秀美术馆)Synth Elevation
German Pavilion, Expo '67 (67年世博会德国馆)Synth Elevation
公输木鹊Corroded Aircraft
Water Temple (本福寺水御堂)Synth Elevation
Aqua Tower (水族大厦)Synth Elevation
GUGGENHEIM,BILBAO (毕尔包古根汉美术馆)Synth Elevation
Jump off the RainbowJump off the Rainbow
A Beam of Light (一闪花火)Concretization
Jump off the Rainbow (跳下彩虹)Concretization