Izanagi set 02 ~ 牛に引かれて善光寺参りHouse set of “Neo​-​traditionalism of Japan”
Lunatic set 07 ~ 凍り付いた永遠の都House set of "Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom" 〜 Lunatic set and Mythic set
Eientewi set 09 A 〜 シンデレラゲージHouse set of "Imperishable Night" 〜 Eientewi set
Ayakashi set 13 A~妖々跋扈House set of "Perfect Cherry Blossom" 〜 Ayakashi set
渡る者の途絶えた橋(ginkiha remix)House set of "Subterranean Animism"
遥か38万キロのボヤージュ(cYsmix Remix)House set of "Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom" 〜 Lunatic set and Mythic set
Eientewi set 14 ~ 月まで届け、不死の煙House set of "Retrospective 53 minutes"
リバースイデオロギー (Jerico remix)House set of "Double Dealing Character"
妖怪寺 (Chillout)House set of ”Undefined Fantastic Object”
Freak Report 01 ~他愛も無い二人の博物誌~House set of "Dr.Latency's Freak Report"
Ayakashi set 09~東方妖々夢House set of "Perfect Cherry Blossom" 〜 Ayakashi set
Ayakashi set 11~アルティメットトゥルースHouse set of "Perfect Cherry Blossom" 〜 Ayakashi set
Lunatic set 16 - Anotherworks.thE
Koumakan set 10 B~フラワリングナイトHouse set of "the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil" 〜 Koumakan set
Eientewi set 14 〜 月まで届け、不死の煙House set of "Imperishable Night" 〜 Eientewi set
ムーンダストLucent Moon
Moriya set 02 〜 稲田姫様に叱られるからHouse set of "Mountain of Faith"
永遠の春夢(ginkiha Remix)House set of "Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom" 〜 Lunatic set and Mythic set
九月のパンプキン(yoshiki-narutaki+Remix)House set of "Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom" 〜 Lunatic set and Mythic set
星条旗のピエロ(Jerico+Remix)House set of "Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom" 〜 Lunatic set and Mythic set
兎は舞い降りた(Frozen Starfall Remix)House set of "Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom" 〜 Lunatic set and Mythic set
霊知の太陽信仰(MYTK remix)House set of "Subterranean Animism"
Ayakashi set 01~無何有の郷House set of "Perfect Cherry Blossom" 〜 Ayakashi set
Ayakashi set 02~クリスタライズシルバーHouse set of "Perfect Cherry Blossom" 〜 Ayakashi set