heygames & tricks
ignorance (feat. roan)games & tricks
i don't wanna knowi don't wanna know
One step to my destinationOne step to my destination
fell offfell off
In My HeadIn My Head
eternal (feat. Dylann)eternal (feat. Dylann)
guess this is the endguess this is the end
the perfect onegames & tricks
wish i grew upwish i grew up
idk where i belong (feat. bhertuy)ar73mys
Sorry StaceySorry Stacey
you forgot my nameyou forgot my name
paper heartpaper heart
endlessly feeling my type of insecurityendlessly feeling my type of insecurity
im done (feat. Vaeo, rouri404, Cybertrash, Bhertuy, Tsuyunoshi, Captain Morg, 4cf, k0a, YDKM, Dylan Longworth, maxiim & sudbath)im done (feat. Vaeo, rouri404, Cybertrash, Bhertuy, Tsuyunoshi, Captain Morg, 4cf, k0a, YDKM, Dylan Longworth, maxiim & sudbath)
last yearlast year
dishonesty (feat. starfall)dishonesty (feat. starfall)
a picture on the walla picture on the wall
right person wrong timeright person wrong time
a lost memorya lost memory