Johnny Thunders的歌曲列表
(I Was) Born to CryCopy Cats
You Can't Put Your Arms Round A MemorySo Alone
Glory, Glory (Studio 1990)Sticks & Stones - The Lost Album
London BoysSo Alone
Louie LouieIn Cold Blood
Sad Vacation / It's Not EnoughInternal Possession
PipelineChinese Rocks - The Ultimate Live Collection
Born To LoseL.A.M.F.
Baby It's YouCopy Cats
Tie Me UpQue Sera, Sera
As Tears Go By(Live)Live In Japan
Sad VacationBootlegging the Bootleggers
I Only Wrote This Song for YouQue Sera, Sera
Sad VacationHurt Me
Sad VacationLive and Wasted
(She's So) UntouchableHurt Me
Society Makes Me SadAcoustic Thunders
The Harder They ComeJohnny Thunders & Wayne Kramer's Gang War!
(Give Him A) Great Big KissGet The Punk - J Punk & New Wave 1972-1991
You Can't Put Your Arms Round A MemoryNo Thanks! The '70s Punk Rebellion
As Tears Go ByLive and Wasted
You Can't Put Your Arms Around A Memory1234 - Punk and New Wave 1976-1979
JoeyAcoustic Thunders
CrawfishCopy Cats