The Stompcrash的歌曲列表
The Black DahliaDirections
On the Seventh FloorLove from Hell
Love Is the Deepest SeaSwear by the Moon
MirrorsSwear by the Moon
High SeasSwear by the Moon
Take Me AwaySwear by the Moon
ConsciousnessSwear by the Moon
The Wedding KnellSwear by the Moon
Plague DoctorSwear by the Moon
Dance Like MarionettesSwear by the Moon
My Tied BrideSwear by the Moon
Twisted SoulsSwear by the Moon
The Wind That Moves the FlowersRequiem Rosa
Bloody RainRequiem Rosa
Wake up in a GraveRequiem Rosa
Like a NoiseRequiem Rosa
MoscowRequiem Rosa
DorianRequiem Rosa
Mountains of MadnessRequiem Rosa
I Will Kill MyselfRequiem Rosa
Modern SlavesRequiem Rosa
99 CatsRequiem Rosa
Watching Me FallRequiem Rosa
The London FogRequiem Rosa