AdmirationThe colors of my soul
Blue birdThe colors of my soul
RealityThe colors of my soul
Momento CertoMomento Certo
On My Mind (feat. Teazem Beatz & Balance)Hood Fame :Chronicles of a D-Boy
Burning EnemyThe Girl's Magazine
The Girl's MagazineThe Girl's Magazine
Me TicklingBewildering Skys
Behind The Binary FutureEyes Beyond the Leg
Beyond The Broken GenerationsEyes Beyond the Leg
Creeping IcesClueless Nights
The Lunch of ConsternationClueless Nights
Broadcasting First TimeClueless Nights
Many Comes ItsMeeting Through the Party
Many Leaves For GirlSame Drop
The Treaty's MemoriesSame Drop
You Watchs TheySame Drop
Hardship Sleep SlipperSame Drop
SpillDemo '17
Looney (Interlude)Demo '17
Fora do Alcance, Pt. 2Fora do Alcance, Pt. 2