Make It RightOutrageous
Anything for YouKeep on Moving Straight Ahead
All for YouKeep on Moving Straight Ahead
Turn the Music UpUntouchables
So Let's LoveUntouchables
Real LoveUntouchables
Tinsel Town TheoryUntouchables
So Let's Love (Reprise)Untouchables
Strung OutFantastic Voyage
Pull My Strings (Extended Version)The Best of Lakeside
Intro - LakesideThe Very Best Of Lakeside Live!
Eveready ManFantastic Voyage
Something About That WomanThe Best of Lakeside
Intro - LakesideOriginal Artist Hit List: Lakeside
Given in to LoveThe Best of Lakeside
Say YesFantastic Voyage
Make My DayThe Best of Lakeside
Something About That WomanYour Wish Is My Command
It's All the Way LiveShot of Love
I Want to Hold Your HandYour Wish Is My Command
RaidThe Best of Lakeside
BullseyeThe Best of Lakeside