Orlando Consort的歌曲列表
Chansons: Je ne cuit pasDreams in the Pleasure Garden
Chansons: Tant doucementDreams in the Pleasure Garden
Chansons: Mors suiDreams in the Pleasure Garden
Chansons: He! Dame de valourDreams in the Pleasure Garden
Chansons: En amer a douce vieDreams in the Pleasure Garden
Chansons: De toutes floursDreams in the Pleasure Garden
Chansons: Ma fin est mon commencementDreams in the Pleasure Garden
Chansons: Se quanque amoursDreams in the Pleasure Garden
Chansons: Une VipereDreams in the Pleasure Garden
Chansons: Liement me deportDreams in the Pleasure Garden
Magnus Liber / Feast Of St. Stephen:Video celos apertos (Communion)The History Of Classical Music - Part 1 - From Gregorian Chant To C.P.E. Bach
Magnus Liber / Feast Of St. Stephen:Alleluya - Video celos apertos (à 2) (Alleluya)The History Of Classical Music - Part 1 - From Gregorian Chant To C.P.E. Bach
Asperges me, DomineLoyset Compere
CredoBusnois: Missa O Crux Lignum
Léonin / Pérotin:Léonin / PérotinBaroque and More
Missa "De plus en plus":Agnus DeiBaroque and More
Omnium bonorum plenaLoyset Compere
Ave MariaLoyset Compere
Chanson: A Une Damme J'Ay Fait VeuBusnois: Missa O Crux Lignum
Chanson: Amours Nous Traitte Honnestement / Je M'En VoyBusnois: Missa O Crux Lignum
Chanson-Motet: Resjois-Toy, Terre De France / Rex PacificusBusnois: Missa O Crux Lignum
Hymn: Conditor Alme SiderumBusnois: Missa O Crux Lignum
KyrieBusnois: Missa O Crux Lignum
GloriaBusnois: Missa O Crux Lignum