Honey I Scream! (REDALiCE Remix)Honey I Scream!
Comet DreamerThe Best of tpz 2 the BEST!!!
PSYCHED AGOSTOThe Best of tpz 2 the BEST!!!
Thanks for Crashing me.The Best of tpz 2 the BEST!!!
RingRingBangThe Best of tpz 2 the BEST!!!
ObakestepsThe Best of tpz 2 the BEST!!!
Oshama Scramble(Cranky Remix)Garakuta Scramble
Unconnected. (Lemon '82 Remix)Honey I Scream!
Shiny Kung-fu Revival (aran Remix)Ponko2 Girlish
Peaky CheekyTANO*C EXTRA
Kick-ass Kung-fu Carnival (P*Light Remix)絢爛喧騒オリエント
Pumpin' JunkiesThe Best of tpz 2 the BEST!!!
It's a "10 Bats" feat. Rizna異聞伝承アラカルト
Funny FunctionThe Best of tpz 2 the BEST!!!
Ofcourse I neeD and neEd and nEed and Need and NEED YOU. (Akira Complex Remix)Resurrection X
Rumble Kung-fu Showdown (C-Show Remix)絢爛喧騒オリエント
Sakuramichi Overdrive (ARM Remix)ULTRA CUTiE BREAKiN'!!!!
Sakuramichi Overture feat.リズナULTRA CUTiE BREAKiN'!!!!
I hate you B'cowz I love youThe Best of Hardcore Tano*C
Crack Traxxxx (yaseta Remix)We are "Lite Show Magic"
Troll The Cowardly (Sick Candy Terror Of Feryquitous)Elder Dragon Legend II ~The Revenge of Swamp Queen~
Lemon Heart (aran Remix)Answer from X Girlz
Oshama Scramble! (Cranky Remix)Ponko2 Girlish
QLWA (Cranky Remix)Good Evening, HOLLOWood