Bonus Track法の世に妖の華咲き乱れ
True wingsGothic style of Touhou
InnocentGothic style of Touhou
Neve de Dezembrosakura
This love songsakura
One hoursakura
pray for yousakura
トゥルーエンドwhen insanity and reality unite pt.2 scenes from a memory
オルゴール1when insanity and reality unite pt.2 scenes from a memory
バッドエンドwhen insanity and reality unite pt.2 scenes from a memory
Hシーン2when insanity and reality unite pt.2 scenes from a memory
沙織when insanity and reality unite pt.2 scenes from a memory
瑞穂when insanity and reality unite pt.2 scenes from a memory
授業中when insanity and reality unite pt.2 scenes from a memory
精神世界when insanity and reality unite pt.2 scenes from a memory
推理・憶測when insanity and reality unite pt.2 scenes from a memory
狂気when insanity and reality unite pt.2 scenes from a memory
リーフロゴwhen insanity and reality unite pt.2 scenes from a memory
輝く季節へEclipse / One
輝く季節へ 第二章Eclipse / One