Plenitude Is a Perfect VacancyLast Temptation
Mój B??kitOd Nowa
Revelation of a SinnerLast Temptation
Wypowiem Twoje Imi?Od Nowa
The Lamentable Monument of StoneLast Temptation
I PromiseEternity
Bare TreeANew
About YouANew
Time of RevengeLast Temptation
SatorLast Temptation
EmotuneBreaking Ground
Wieczny FinalEternity
The Fading TaleFading Tale
NymphacaFading Tale
Sombre WineFading Tale
BackwardsFading Tale
The Gates Of The GreenFading Tale
The Shapes and ShadowsLast Temptation
Od NowaOd Nowa
MoreBreaking Ground
Your NameBreaking Ground
Great Words On The AltarsFading Tale