Job for a Cowboy的歌曲列表
Catharsis For The BuriedDoom
Sun of NihilitySun Eater
Worming NightfallSun Eater
Encircled by MirrorsSun Eater
The Manipulation StreamDemonocracy
The Synthetic SeaSun Eater
Tongueless and BoundDemonocracy
Plastic IdolsGloom - EP
Imperium WolvesDemonocracy
Signature of Starving PowerGloom - EP
Nourishment Through BloodshedDemonocracy
Execution ParadeGloom - EP
The Matter of SplatterLive Ruination
To Detonate And ExterminateRuination
Misery ReformatoryGloom - EP
Eating the Visions of GodSun Eater
The Stone CrossSun Eater
A Global ShiftSun Eater
The Celestial AntidoteSun Eater
Buried MonumentsSun Eater
Black DischargeDemonocracy
Children of DeceitDemonocracy
The Deity MisconceptionDemonocracy