Kingdom of Burning Crucifixions ('99)Orosius / Xasthur
Ort Der Einsamkeit (Wigrid Cover)Xasthur / Angra Mainyu
Suicide in Dark SerenityA Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors
Horizon of Plastic CasketsPortal of Sorrow
Miscarriage of the SoulPortal of Sorrow
Obeyers of Their Own DeathsPortal of Sorrow
Broken Glass ChristeningPortal of Sorrow
Untitled 5/052005 Demo - Single
Untitled 4/052005 Demo - Single
Mirror in the FaceVictims of the Times
Ghost of an ExcuseVictims of the Times
Walker of Dissonant WorldsTo Violate the Obvious
Marked by ShadowsTo Violate the Obvious
The Funeral Of BeingXasthur / Angra Mainyu
Reflecting Hateful Energy (Bonus Track)To Violate the Obvious
Hiver de GlacePortal of Sorrow