IntroA Nordic Poem
Wolfsong In MoonlightA Nordic Poem
Eldrich Sorcery And Raery RunesA Nordic Poem
Storm Ravens ComeA Nordic Poem
GryningssangA Nordic Poem
Gaelic ValorA Nordic Poem
OutroA Nordic Poem
IntroductionBy the Sword of My Father
The Death Of BeowulfBy the Sword of My Father
Heathenpride (Falkenbach cover)By the Sword of My Father
ElvesBy the Sword of My Father
The Wisdom Of WolvesBy the Sword of My Father
A Tribute To The Viking GodsBy the Sword of My Father
Journey EndsBy the Sword of My Father
The Voices Of The DeadRulers of the sea
The Doomed CrusadeRulers of the sea
Lord Of The SpearRulers of the sea
CosmogenesisRulers of the sea
FolkearthRulers of the sea
Apollonian LightRulers of the sea
When The Gods Doth ReturnRulers of the sea