7L & Esoteric的歌曲列表
7L & EsotericLandspeed Records Essential Underground Hip Hop
You Know the ConceptThe Soul Purpose
First LetterThe Soul Purpose
Loud & ClearDC2: Bars of Death
Touchy SubjectDC2: Bars of Death
Grace of GodDC2: Bars of Death
So GloriousDC2: Bars of Death
Graphic ViolenceDC2: Bars of Death
It's RawCzarface
Dead ZoneCzarface
The Way OutDangerous Connection
Word War 4Czarface
Czarface (Intro)Czarface
Riccardi ManDangerous Connection
Air 'Em OutCzarface
Czar RefaeliCzarface
New Rapper1212
Poisonous ThoughtsCzarface
Do Me A FavorHome: Boston Underground Hip Hop
The Most Rotten (feat. Statik Selektah)1212
I Hate Flying1212
Bare Knuckle Boxing (feat. Ill Bill, Vinnie Paz & Reef the Lost Cauze)1212