Dungeon MasterBack In Business
HellhuntViolent Revenge
Merciless MurderArrival of the Carnivore
Burn This TownArrival of the Carnivore
Tell Me What You're FeelingGive Em The Boot II
Nuclear StrikeArrival of the Carnivore
Beast of HadesViolent Revenge
Ripping KnivesStorming Evil
Ruthless DarknessStorming Evil
Preventive WarArrival of the Carnivore
Hells ForcesViolent Revenge
Creation of the PossessedViolent Revenge
Blessed DeathStorming Evil
Swarm of InsectsViolent Revenge
DisgracerViolent Revenge
Atomic WarfareViolent Revenge
Welcome to ShanktownRenegade Hardware Presents: The Final Chapter
SimulationsBush Food, Vol. 3
Death Is the AnswerViolent Revenge
Slaughter CommandViolent Revenge
Dark Rat EyesViolent Revenge
Welcome to ShanktownWelcome to Shanktown
Storm from the GravesStorming Evil
Rising DemonsStorming Evil