Imperishable MoonImperishable Moon EP
Towards Nowhere【BOFXVI】Towards Nowhere
上海アリス幻樂団-寄世界于偶像(DayStars remix)寄世界于偶像
Frozen Remote MomentsFrozen Remote Moments
Lights in the PaintingLights in the Painting
Joyous MemoryJoyous Memory
上海アリス幻樂団-Frozen Capital of Eternity(DayStars remix)Frozen Capital of Eternity
Brainiac Maniac(Lunatic Remix)Brainiac Maniac(Lunatic Remix)
上海アリス幻樂団-That Unforgettable Greenery of Connection(DayStars remix)That Unforgettable Greenery of Connection
上海アリス幻樂団-闪耀的弱肉强食法则(DayStars remix)闪耀的弱肉强食法则
ZUN-唯一無二のHard Renaissance(DayStars remix)唯一無二のHard Renaissance
上海アリス幻樂団-幻想的白色旅人(DayStars remix)幻想的白色旅人
Night of Ice Wind (星)群内日常作曲
夢色(Acoustic Experiment)Monotonicity EP
MonotonicityMonotonicity EP
心嚣Joyous Memory
Distant SceneryJoyous Memory