Joshua Morse的歌曲列表
MountainLava Blade
VolcanoLava Blade
The Steampunk NanoIndie B-Side, Vol. 1
Buy Something!Lava Blade
You Got MeWaveform 4
Nailed It!Lava Blade
Fusion FactoryWaveform 4
It's Like FlyingWaveform 4
Camp Kefka (Troops March On)Final Fantasy 6: Balance and Ruin
Remember (Awakening)Final Fantasy 6: Balance and Ruin
Hallway To Hell (Castlevania - Heart of Fire)VLAD II
Exploring the Coral CapersPlugged In
Exploring the Coral CapersExploring the Coral Capers
For a NickelPlugged In
Fleeting SpiritsPlugged In
Fairy DustPlugged In
Calling of SchalaPlugged In
MasamunePlugged In
Ice PalacePlugged In
Aqua Flash (feat. Danimal Cannon) [ Castlevania 3 - Aquarius ]VLAD II
Bone Ark Madness (Castlevania Symphony of the Night - Rainbow Cemetery)VLAD II
Mummy Lover (feat. Danimal Cannon) [ Castlevania - Wicked Child ]VLAD II
Summers PlazaI Miss You - EarthBound 2012
LunarscapeDigital Disconnect