Andreas Spering的歌曲列表
Il ritorno di Tobia (The Return of Tobias), Hob.XXI:1:Part II: Aria: Invan lo chiedi, amico (Tobit)HAYDN: Ritorno di Tobia (Il)
Il ritorno di Tobia (The Return of Tobias), Hob.XXI:1:Part II: Recitative: Ah dove corri, oh padre? (Tobia, Tobit, Raffaelle)HAYDN: Ritorno di Tobia (Il)
Il ritorno di Tobia (The Return of Tobias), Hob.XXI:1:Part II: Svanisce in un momento (Ebrei)HAYDN: Ritorno di Tobia (Il)
Il ritorno di Tobia (The Return of Tobias), Hob.XXI:1:Part II: Aria: Come in sogno un stuol m'apparve (Anna)HAYDN: Ritorno di Tobia (Il)
Il ritorno di Tobia (The Return of Tobias), Hob.XXI:1:Part II: Recitative: Giusta brama l'affretta (Anna)HAYDN: Ritorno di Tobia (Il)
Il ritorno di Tobia (The Return of Tobias), Hob.XXI:1:Part II: Aria: Quel felice nocchier (Tobia)HAYDN: Ritorno di Tobia (Il)
Il ritorno di Tobia (The Return of Tobias), Hob.XXI:1:Part II: Recitative: Che soave parlar! (Anna, Tobia)HAYDN: Ritorno di Tobia (Il)
Il ritorno di Tobia (The Return of Tobias), Hob.XXI:1:Part II: Aria: Non parmi esser fra gl'uomini (Sara)HAYDN: Ritorno di Tobia (Il)
Il ritorno di Tobia (The Return of Tobias), Hob.XXI:1:Part II: Recitative: Ad Azaria nel volto (Anna, Sara)HAYDN: Ritorno di Tobia (Il)
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part III, No.33: O glucklich Paar (O happy pair) (Uriel)HAYDN: Schopfung (Die) (The Creation)
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part III, No.32: Holde Gattin! (Graceful consort!) (Adam and Eve)HAYDN: Schopfung (Die) (The Creation)
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part III, No.34: Singt dem Herren alle Stimmen (Sing the Lord, ye voices all!)HAYDN: Schopfung (Die) (The Creation)
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part III, No.31: Nun ist die erste Pflicht erfullt (Our duty we performed now) (Adam and Eve)HAYDN: Schopfung (Die) (The Creation)
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part III, No.30: Von deiner Gut', o Herr und Gott (By thee with bliss, O bounteous Lord) (Eve and Adam, Chorus)HAYDN: Schopfung (Die) (The Creation)
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part III, No. 29: Aus Rosenwolken (In rosy mantle appears) (Uriel)HAYDN: Schopfung (Die) (The Creation)
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part II, Nos.26-28: Vollendet ist das grosse Werk (Chorus) / Zu dir, o Herr, blickt alles auf (Trio) / Vollendet ist das grosse WerkHAYDN: Schopfung (Die) (The Creation)
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part II, No.25: Und Gott sah jedes Ding, was er gemacht hatte (And God saw ev'rything that he had made) (Raphael)HAYDN: Schopfung (Die) (The Creation)
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part II, No.24: Mit Wurd' und Hoheit angetan (In native worth and honour clad) (Uriel)HAYDN: Schopfung (Die) (The Creation)
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part II, No.23: Und Gott schuf den Menschen nach seinem Ebenbilde (And God created man in his own image) (Uriel)HAYDN: Schopfung (Die) (The Creation)
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part II, No.22: Nun scheint in vollem Glanze der Himmel (Now heav'n in fullest glory shone) (Raphael)HAYDN: Schopfung (Die) (The Creation)
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part II, Nos.18-19: In holder Anmut stehn (Most beautiful appear) (Trio) / Der Herr ist gross (The Lord is great) (Trio and Chorus)HAYDN: Schopfung (Die) (The Creation)
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part I, No.13: Die Himmel erzahlen die Ehre Gottes (The heavens are telling the glory of God) (Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Chorus)HAYDN: Schopfung (Die) (The Creation)
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part II, No.14: Und Gott sprach: Es bringe das Wasser in der Fulle hervor (And God said: Let the waters bring forth abundantly) (Gabriel)HAYDN: Schopfung (Die) (The Creation)
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part II, No.20: Und Gott sprach: Es bringe die Erde hervor lebende Geschopfe (And God said: Let the earth bring forth the living creature)HAYDN: Schopfung (Die) (The Creation)