Ping-Pong 乒乓Ping-Pong 乒乓
七下烂调 Seventh欲言又止 第三章 ( Lost for Words - Chapter III )
梯子 Ladders欲言又止 第三章 ( Lost for Words - Chapter III )
蝴蝶 Butterfly, A Hyaline Beauty欲言又止 Lost for Words
七下烂调 Seventh欲言又止 Lost for Words
梯子 Ladders欲言又止 Lost for Words
intro 1Fast Forward To Present Day
IllumineFast Forward To Present Day
SparkleFast Forward To Present Day
Johnny Walker (feat. 小老虎)Fast Forward To Present Day
Fast Forward To Present Day (feat. Kevin Sun)Fast Forward To Present Day
intro 2Fast Forward To Present Day
The CodeFast Forward To Present Day
Full BloomFast Forward To Present Day
Room 343 (feat. Nir Felder)Fast Forward To Present Day
Happy X2 (feat. Nir Felder)Fast Forward To Present Day