Disco Inferno的歌曲列表
A Whole Wide World AheadD.I. Go Pop
New Clothes For The New WorldD.I. Go Pop
InterferenceOpen Doors, Closed Windows
A Crash At Every SpeedD.I. Go Pop
I'm Still In LoveTechnicolour
Starbound (All Burnt Out And Nowhere To Go)D.I. Go Pop
Even The Sea Sides AgaInst UsD.I. Go Pop
Next YearD.I. Go Pop
Don't You KnowTechnicolour
It's A Kid's WorldThe 5 EPs
A Little SomethingThe 5 EPs
Second LanguageThe 5 EPs
A Night On The TilesThe 5 EPs
Lost In FogThe 5 EPs
The Atheist's BurdenThe 5 EPs
At The End Of The LineThe 5 EPs
Scattered ShowersThe 5 EPs
The Long DanceThe 5 EPs
Summer's Last SoundThe 5 EPs
D.I. Go PopThe 5 EPs
From The Devil To The Deep Blue SkyThe 5 EPs
A Rock To Cling ToThe 5 EPs
In Sharky WaterD.I. Go Pop